Certified Dexcom Training Program

Endorsed by the ADEA for 6 continued professional development points


  • To have essential and relevant knowledge of the Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring system. This will enable the healthcare professional to have the technical competency to initiate and follow up a person commencing on the Dexcom CGM system.


1. You must have one of the following healthcare professional (HCP) qualifications and work within your scope of practice as defined by the relevant professional body:

  • Doctor (Endocrinologist, Physician or Registrar)
  • Diabetes Educator (CDE or DE)
  • Nurse Practitioner (CDE)

2. Have successfully completed the externally provided online module: Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring learning module

3. Education and Training provided by AMSL Diabetes (See Appendix 1):

4. Complete Dexcom Trainer Examination provided by AMSL Diabetes and obtain a pass mark of 95%

  • Exam to be completed within AMSL Learning Management System (LMS): And becomes open and available after logging of training with Territory Manager.

Note: The examination is open book and any resources under Appendix 1 can be utilised.

After the successful completion of steps 1-4, AMSL will issue a certificate of education for the generation of Dexcom CGM completed, worth 4 ADEA endorsed CPD points.

5. Complete a minimum of one Dexcom start under the observation of an AMSL Diabetes representative. The purpose of the observation is to review the technical training provided and ensure technical competency only. As such additional observations may be required at the discretion of the AMSL Diabetes representative.

Clinical education and scope of practice is determined by the clinician’s accredited professional body.

After the successful completion of step 5, AMSL will issue a Certified Dexcom Trainer certificate, worth 2 ADEA endorsed CPD points. 

The Dexcom Trainer can then begin Dexcom CGM initiations as required. Observed continuous glucose monitoring initiation can be logged via this link:


Note: For clinicians previously certified as a Dexcom Trainers completion of a Dexcom CGM start under the observation of an AMSL Diabetes representative is recommended every 12 months but is not mandatory. The Dexcom Trainer can begin Dexcom initiations with any new generations of Dexcom CGM after the successful completion of steps 1-4

Appendix 1.

Training course outline:

Resources - Dexcom G6
