Dexcom G6 is suitable for anyone with type 1 diabetes over the age of 2 years. Whether treated with multiple daily injections or insulin pump therapy, they can benefit from real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM).

Who Can Benefit?
You should consider Dexcom CGM for your patients including:
More Insight Than Monitoring Alone

Unlike a single reading from a blood glucose meter, rt-CGM provides dynamic information about the direction of glucose change, giving your patient continuous and timely feedback on nutrition, activity, and insulin requirements to help make informed diabetes treatment decisions. CGM is a powerful therapy management tool that can inform better diabetes treatment decisions, ultimately leading to tighter glycaemic control, than using a blood glucose meter alone.1
1 Pettus J, Price DA, Edelman SV. How Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Translate Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data into Diabetes Management Decisions. Endocr Pract. 2015;:1-25.
The Dexcom G6 sensor and transmitter are water-resistant and may be submerged under eight feet of water for up to 24 hours without failure when properly installed. The receiver is not waterproof nor water-resistant.